Finally it's Spring !! The nature is wearing it's new robe and the cool showers that pour down on earth give rise to new buds. The chirping of the birds and the fragrance from the moist soil takes me back to the nostalgic days of my childhood. I grew up in a country known for rains and the schools used to be closed at this time of the year, giving me ample opportunities to enjoy the nature. The rain showered profusely and puddles formed near the sidewalks, were a hotspot for paper boats and paper planes. The moist soil was a breeding ground for the rain insects that popped up to the surface after the rain. The sound of the droplets, the raindrops on the petals of the flower, the sight of the colorful butterflies, the humming of the bee, were some things that showed that life is indeed something beyond just assignments and projects.
Fast forward 15 years...I've moved to a new country. A country known as the land of oppurtunities which is indeed thousands of miles away from my sweet home. Lots of things have changed. People have come and people have gone. Ralph Waldo Emerson was right when he quoted “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”
But the nature remains the same. It still continues to clear the old and bring in the new. The trees that looked gloomy without the leaves are now beginning to smile. The dreadful cold winds that brought in snow is now being replaced by a warm rainy breeze.
Life is beautiful ..