
Perception of Intuition

Intuition is an inner voice that maneuvers a major part of our life. The voice that instructs to quickly change lanes when a reckless driver slams his brakes in front of us, yells when we're about to run a traffic light, urges to dance while in rain, initiates a thought to help someone in need, are all examples of intuition in our day to day life. Surprisingly, they do know the truth and they tell us at the right time. But we don't always listen to it. We intend to go beyond the inner voice and undertake a chance. The results are mostly bad then.

The courage to listen to the heart and respect its voice is probably one of the biggest challenges we face. This is because quite often, we all worry what others think about us and our decisions and actions depend on the likes and dislikes of someone who is NOT us. We sure need to respect the thoughts, compliments and positive criticism by people who matter to us, but not at the cost of our inner voice. When we continue to live someone else's life and change our thoughts and actions to please the society, we wake up one day realizing that we have lost our individual personality, the person who we thought we would be, or always wanted to be. Most of the times, it's too late when we realize this.

Intuition surely, is an immense power that we all possess for a reason. By listening to it, we might not always be right. Things might not always end up in a way expected. But isn't life a game of maze? It sure isn't fun when we blindly work our way out by following the footsteps of another player.

Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson